RPG: Metanoia is a Filipino computer-animated adventure film produced by Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation and ABS-CBN Film Productions Inc. Star Cinema. It is the first full length Philippine animated film presented in 3D.[1] It won 3rd Best Picture, Best Sound Recording and Best Original Theme Song in the 2010 Metro Manila Film Festival, Quezon City's Special Citation was also given for being a Gender Sensitive Movie in the said event.[2]
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Watch (Manood) RPG metanoia 2010 free movie online
RPG: Metanoia is a Filipino computer-animated adventure film produced by Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation and ABS-CBN Film Productions Inc. Star Cinema. It is the first full length Philippine animated film presented in 3D.[1] It won 3rd Best Picture, Best Sound Recording and Best Original Theme Song in the 2010 Metro Manila Film Festival, Quezon City's Special Citation was also given for being a Gender Sensitive Movie in the said event.[2]